Neuroscience & brain potential

Watch Jan Sky's interview with John Macy, Founder of the Rubeit Foundation

"Brain potential is NEW thinking. What we offer is an understanding of the brain and its function so behaviours can be adjusted. We normalise feelings and behaviours associated with reactions to situations and help you identify new ways to operate.

We know this type of support is needed. We want to ensure the learnings and positive changes are established and persist at a neurological level, for the leaders we train and coach."


According to Gocube: "Science has repeatedly shown that solving puzzles improves neural plasticity, also known as neuroplasticity. This is often described as our brain’s ability to evolve and improve its abilities after we put it to work. Puzzles such as the Rubik’s Cube are a great way to help our brain form new neural networks."

John Kennedy is a pioneer in the field of of Applied Neuroplasticity. 1000's of people have experienced his program Combat Brain Training and significantly improved their performance regardless of starting cognitive baseline. Navy SEAL's to kids with learning disabilities, Professional athletes and top performing executives to inner city high school kids - 100% report significant improvements in just a few hours.

In 2007 John was contracted by the US Marines to create the worlds first Targeted Neuroplasticity Training program to improve focus, intuition and mental and physical reaction time. The only program of its kind based on proprietary exercises which generate robust stimulation in targeted areas to create fast neuroplastic changes, it increases post synaptic receptors and stimulates LTP (Long Term Potentiation), critical to learning and memory. Most people notice changes in just a few hours.

To date over 4000 people have been through the program from Marines, Navy SEALs, Snipers and pilots and their leaders, to professional athletes, business people including executives, sales and customer service teams, traders and developers students of all ages including inner city kids with learning disabilities and sufferers from brain trauma including concussions, TBI and PTSD - 100% who followed the regimen reporting significant improvements in performance.

memory research

The Rubeit Foundation is supported by Competitive Edge Technology (CET) who are planning to use their resources to build a Web 3.0 blockchain database (owned by the person) to capture data relating to individual activity and allow researchers to correlate performance with medical data.

CET is looking forward to working with researchers to construct an appropriate database and integrate devices to capture real time data.

dementia research

It is still early days trying to establish the kind of research that would benefit from using the Rubik's Cube as a form of measurement of memory recall. The obvious fields of study include dementia research and cognitive capability of the aging workforce.

If this initiative gains traction the scope will need to be explored to find what sort of testing will be helpful, the timing and frequency of testing, plus the type of data and method of collection. It is encouraging to see highly qualified professionals expressing an interest in the project. At this stage the main areas appear to be cognitive studies relating to memory exercises and music therapy.

medical institutions & universities

Preventing Dementia is a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), offering university-quality education about the latest research in dementia risk and protective factors. The free course provides an opportunity to engage with the perspectives of a global community, without requiring exams or assignments.
With the aging of the world’s population, dementia is a major public health issue. Is it possible to modify your risk of dementia? A substantial proportion of risk is associated with advanced aging as well as genetic risk factors, but the latest research has indicated there are factors you can modify which may decrease your susceptibility to dementia. The Preventing Dementia MOOC investigates the best available evidence about dementia prevention, drawing on a range of expertise from around the globe.

dementia care & Music Therapy

Evidence shows that music therapy can improve the physical and mental wellbeing of people with Alzheimer’s and dementia

Dementia is a general term for a decline in mental ability severe enough to interfere with daily life. It is a neurological condition characterized by deterioration in cognitive, behavioural, social, and emotional functions. Neurological disorders are diseases of the brain, spinal cord, cranial nerves, peripheral nerves, nerve roots, autonomic nervous system, neuromuscular junction, and muscles. 

Active Care Organisations

Quote from Dementia TLC a UK based organisation

Champions of Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST); a therapy proven to slow the progression of dementia and increase quality of life. We weave this into our services with the guidance of the very people we serve. We work closely with like-minded individuals and organisations in the South West to achieve our goal of ensuring that every person diagnosed with dementia, as well as those close to them, has access to the support they need to continue to lead a happy and fulfilled life

The Dawn Method: